Brain Dead 13

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How to play Brain Dead 13

Each game uses different controls, Games can a combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.

Brain Dead 13 Description

In Brain Dead 13, the player takes on the role of a young computer expert who one day is called to fix a computer at some scary castle and in no time flat, finds himself in trouble.

It is up to the player to use the complex moves of an interactive movie to escape from the castle. This animated adventure is basically based on the player's judgment on which direction you think the character might go, and if the player guesses wrong, death.

Brain Dead 13 - additional information

Game year
Also known as
"Braindead 13: Starring Fritz" -- Tag-lined title
"Brain Dead 13" -- Alternate spelling of title
"ブレインデッド13" -- Japanese spelling
Cover Art
Brain Dead 13 - Cover Art DOS