DOOM II: Hell on Earth

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Press Keyboard right side: Alt+Enter keys to switch to full screen game play, and Alt+Enter keys to return.

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How to play DOOM II: Hell on Earth

Each game uses different controls, most DOS games use the keyboard arrows. Some will use the mouse.

DOOM II: Hell on Earth Description

Doom II was a game released in 1994, where the player navigates large non-linear levels. Each level is infested with demons that can be killed with a variety of weapons that can be picked up throughout the game. levels are completed by finding an exit, whether it be a door, elevator, etc. Hit the start button to start playing Doom II!

Cheats/Hints/Walkthroughs for DOOM II: Hell on Earth

Type these on the keyboard during play:
All Weapons/Ammo: idfa
All Weapons/Ammo/Keys: idkfa
Beserk Pack: IDBEHOLDS
Bonus Level: idclev31
Choose Game BGM: IDMUSxx (xx being a number)
Computer Area Map: IDBEHOLDA
Destroys all enemies except Lost Souls: FHHALL
Entire Map: IDDT
God Mode: iddqd
Invisibility: IDBEHOLDI
Invisible to Enemies Until You Attack: FHSHH
Invulnerability: IDBEHOLDV
Level Warp: IDCLEV xx (Where xx is the level number, like 05)
Light Amp Goggles: IDBEHOLDL
Makes you completely invisible to all enemies until you shoot: FHSHH
No Clipping Mode (walk through walls): idclip
Radiation Suit: IDBEHOLDR
Replace fists with Chainsaw: idchoppers
Show Position in Code: idmypos
Wolfenstein 3D Level: idclev32

DOOM II: Hell on Earth walkthrough

DOOM II: Hell on Earth - additional information

Game year
Also known as
"毁灭战士2" -- Chinese spelling (simplified)
Cover Art
DOOM II  - Cover Art DOS