Oddballz: Your Wacky Computer Petz

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How to play Oddballz: Your Wacky Computer Petz

Each game uses different controls, Games can a combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.

Oddballz: Your Wacky Computer Petz Description

This time, as the title states, the pets are wacky creatures, more alien-like than animal. Now they can make their eyes come out of their sockets and literally scare them to pieces, while retaining a comic look and feel (something impossible while dealing with Dogz or Catz).

The mechanics are pretty much the same in every game of the series, and here the player also gets to pet them, teach them tricks, punish them or just play around. The Oddballz will respond to each and every move and they can even morph into to something else, depending on what the player does.

The tools the player can use are also very different from the ones in Dogz and Catz, and also have a wacky feel to them. There are tools like the Robo Pogo, the Gravitron, Seismo Ball, Transformer, Atomic Ball, and the delicious Liqui-Food, for feeding the pets.

Oddballz: Your Wacky Computer Petz - additional information

Game year
Developed by
Cover Art
Oddballz: Your Wacky Computer Petz  - Cover Art Windows 3.1