Andre Agassi Tennis

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How to play Andre Agassi Tennis

Each game uses different controls, most Amiga games use both mouse and keyboard.

Andre Agassi Tennis Description

Andre Agassi Tennis is a Tennis video game released in 1992 and stars Andre Agassi himself. The player can play in either career mode, exhibition mode, or practice mode where the player can learn to hit and receive tennis balls in a proper manner in order to assure victory on the tennis court.

During the career mode, the player travels to tennis courts around the world and compete in tournaments where victory allows to play to win pretend money. After mastering all the tournaments, the player actually plays against Mr. Andre Agassi in a final grudge match in order to determine who is the best tennis player in the video game world.

Andre Agassi Tennis - additional information

SEGA Master System Andre Agassi Tennis
Game year
Also known as
"アンドレ・アガシ テニス" -- Japanese spelling
Cover Art
Andre Agassi Tennis - Cover Art Sega Genesis