Alter Ego (Male or Female)
How to play Alter Ego (Male or Female)
Each game uses different controls, most DOS games use the keyboard arrows. Some will use the mouse.
Alter Ego (Male or Female) Description
Alter Ego is a game which tries to simulate life itself. The player creates a character with different personality statistics, either by assigning them randomly or by answering a few introductory questions. They then guide this character through seven life phases, from infancy to old age.
The gameplay consists of a series of situations where a decision has to be made. This is done by choosing one of multiple answer possibilities, sometimes accompanied with a mood. Then the player gets presented with the outcome and goes on to the next situation. Every decision has long-time consequences and influences the personality, health and which situations await further down the road. Some decisions may even result in an early death or instant game over.
Every life phase is represented by a life tree where the situations are lined up; the motive of the situation card shows the general theme of the situation. After reaching a certain age, additional life options can be undergone at any time. Here the player can change his lifestyle and manage his love and professional life.
The game exists in two variations which depict a male or female life.

Alter Ego (Male or Female) - additional information

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