How to play Fred
Each game uses different controls, Games can have combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.
Fred Description
Sir Fred was a brave and noble knight in love with a beautiful damsel, but evil Ultimor, an ugly dwarf with magical powers, casted a spell upon him and minimized to the size of the dwarf. Enemies were laughing at him, and other dwarfs were attacking him. What he should do? Yes, he should find and defeat Ultimor, return his size to be brave and noble enough, and to win back his belle.
The gameplay flows in 2D side-scrolling mode, where you may use your sword, throw the daggers, and avoid the enemies. You may walk, jump and run, and perform this not in one plane. Background, foreground and middle planes are available to change. The daggers should be thrown to eliminate as enemies with range weapons as flying and hard-to-reach ones. Different items should be collected such as keys, other daggers, etc.
There are several themed levels such as forest, grotto, castle, etc. in the game. To finish the level you should find the key and proceed with it to the entrance of next level. Your energy is represented by apples, and you should collect them also. Sometimes magic star appears on the level. It should be destroyed to eliminate all visible enemies. Magic potions are also differ either to give invincibility or to restore your energy.

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