Bank Panic
How to play Bank Panic
Each game uses different controls, most DOS games use the keyboard arrows. Some will use the mouse.
Bank Panic Description
Bank Panic is a classic game in which it's your mission as a gunslinger to guard a bank against bandits while avoiding shooting innocent clients. The bank features 12 doors in front of 12 teller windows, although only three of them are visible at any given moment. To fire, simply hit one of the three buttons to target the left, center, or right door.
To expose more doors, the player can adjust his viewpoint left and right. Apart from the odd criminal who will emerge to take a cash deposit from a teller window when the player isn't looking, people only appear behind the doors that are currently visible on screen. Indications at the top of the screen illustrate how long it will take for someone to arrive at a door. Play this Bank Panic on Classic Reload with your friends to bond and have fun!

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