Dan Burry: Jump and Run

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How to play Dan Burry: Jump and Run

Each game uses different controls, Games can have combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.

Dan Burry: Jump and Run Description

Dan Burry, also known as DanBurry Jump & Run, is a DOS arcade action platformer game that was created by The Merging Minds in 1995 and released by Boeder Software GmbH. It was sold for 14.99 Deutsche marks and was distributed on floppy disks.

The action takes place on a planet where the people are known as Burri and are externally absolutely identical. Events on this planet included a devastating (perhaps nuclear) war that destroyed a substantial portion of the population and rendered a celestial body's surface uninhabitable for many years before the start of gameplay.

The few survivors sought safety below, where they built a temporary artificial-light colony at the expense of a supercomputer. Eight controllers were produced by the machine's functioning in turn; without them, the machine could only function for a very short period. Burri, one of the bombers, seized the gadget in an attempt to grab control of the light source, which would have made him the undisputed ruler of the populace. In his moment of lunacy, he reached the hazardous surface, discovered a castle and an abandoned military installation, and took cover at each of these four controller items. Play Dan Burry with us on Classic Reload and have fun!

Dan Burry: Jump and Run - additional information

Game year
Also known as
Dan Burry: Jump and Run
Cover Art

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