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Move your character: Use the arrow keys to move left, right, jump, and crouch.
Shoot zombies: Press the shoot key to fire your weapon at approaching zombies.
Switch weapons: Use the weapon switch key to change between different weapons.
Collect power-ups: Gather power-ups, ammunition, and health packs to enhance your abilities and sustain your character.
Avoid hazards: Dodge zombie attacks and avoid environmental traps and obstacles.


Destruction of Stickman Zombie is an exhilarating side-scrolling shooter that pits players against hordes of undead stickman zombies. Developed by Tiertex Design Studios and published by Mindscape, this shareware game for MS-DOS was released in 2000. Players take on the role of a brave stickman hero armed with various weapons, fighting through waves of zombies to survive and save the world.

In Destruction of Stickman Zombie, players navigate through different levels filled with zombie enemies, using a variety of weapons to eliminate the undead threat. The side-scrolling perspective allows for fluid movement and action-packed gameplay. Players must collect power-ups, ammunition, and health packs while avoiding zombie attacks and environmental hazards.

The game features simple yet engaging stickman graphics, fast-paced action, and a range of weapons and power-ups that keep the gameplay exciting. Destruction of Stickman Zombie combines classic shooter mechanics with a unique stickman aesthetic, providing a fun and addictive experience for fans of action games on the MS-DOS platform.

Cheats/Hints/Walkthroughs for DESTRUCTION OF STICKMAN ZOMBIE

Conserve ammunition: Use your ammo wisely and aim carefully to avoid running out during critical moments. Utilize power-ups: Collect power-ups whenever possible to gain temporary advantages like increased firepower or speed. Keep moving: Stay mobile to avoid being overwhelmed by zombie hordes and to navigate through levels efficiently. Learn enemy patterns: Observe the behavior and attack patterns of different zombies to anticipate their moves and counter them effectively. Explore thoroughly: Search each level thoroughly for hidden power-ups and secrets that can aid in your survival. Destruction of Stickman Zombie offers a thrilling and fast-paced shooting experience, challenging players to fight through relentless waves of zombies. The engaging mechanics, simple graphics, and dynamic gameplay make it a standout title for action game enthusiasts on the MS-DOS platform.

DESTRUCTION OF STICKMAN ZOMBIE - additional information

Game year
Developed by
Cover Art

Destruction of Stickman Zombie

Introduction to Destruction of Stickman Zombie

"Destruction of Stickman Zombie" is a thrilling action game that combines the simplicity of stickman graphics with the intense excitement of a zombie apocalypse. In this game, players take on the role of a stickman hero tasked with surviving waves of relentless zombie attacks. The game's straightforward controls, fast-paced gameplay, and diverse arsenal of weapons make it an engaging experience for players who enjoy action-packed, survival-based games.

Gameplay Overview of Destruction of Stickman Zombie

In "Destruction of Stickman Zombie," players navigate various levels filled with hordes of stickman zombies. The objective is to survive each wave of zombies by using a combination of melee and ranged weapons. Players must move swiftly, aim accurately, and manage their resources effectively to fend off the undead and progress through increasingly challenging levels.

The game features a variety of environments, each with unique layouts and obstacles that players must navigate while battling zombies. As players advance, they can unlock new weapons, upgrade their existing arsenal, and improve their stickman's abilities to better handle the escalating threats.

Key Features of Destruction of Stickman Zombie

  1. Intense Action Gameplay: The game offers fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping action as players fight off waves of zombies. The simple stickman graphics allow for smooth and responsive gameplay.

  2. Diverse Weapons Arsenal: Players can choose from a wide range of weapons, including guns, melee weapons, and explosives. Each weapon type offers different advantages and requires strategic use.

  3. Challenging Levels: The game includes multiple levels with increasing difficulty, ensuring that players are constantly challenged. Each level introduces new types of zombies and obstacles.

  4. Upgrade System: Players can upgrade their weapons and abilities, improving their effectiveness in combat. Upgrades are essential for surviving the more difficult waves of zombies.

  5. Unique Environments: Each level is set in a different environment, such as abandoned cities, dark forests, and creepy graveyards. These environments add variety and require players to adapt their strategies.

Strategies for Success in Destruction of Stickman Zombie

  • Keep Moving: Staying mobile is crucial. Constantly move to avoid being surrounded by zombies. Use the environment to your advantage by finding chokepoints and areas with fewer zombies.

  • Manage Resources: Ammo and health packs can be scarce. Use them wisely and make every shot count. Save powerful weapons and items for the tougher waves.

  • Upgrade Strategically: Focus on upgrading weapons and abilities that suit your playstyle. Whether you prefer ranged combat or close-quarters fighting, tailor your upgrades to enhance your strengths.

  • Know Your Enemies: Different zombies have different abilities and weaknesses. Learn to recognize them and adjust your tactics accordingly. For example, fast zombies require quick reflexes, while heavily armored ones need more firepower.

  • Use the Environment: Take advantage of environmental hazards and obstacles. Lure zombies into traps or use objects to block their path and gain a strategic advantage.

Cultural Impact of Destruction of Stickman Zombie

"Destruction of Stickman Zombie" has garnered a dedicated following due to its addictive gameplay and the universal appeal of zombie survival themes. The game's combination of simple graphics and intense action has made it accessible to a wide audience, from casual gamers to hardcore action fans. Its straightforward mechanics and engaging challenges have inspired many players to create and share their own gameplay videos, tips, and strategies online.

The game’s community is active and passionate, often discussing strategies and sharing custom levels or modifications. This vibrant community has contributed to the game's longevity and popularity.

Similar Games to Destruction of Stickman Zombie

For fans of "Destruction of Stickman Zombie," there are several other action and zombie survival games worth exploring:

  1. Plants vs. Zombies: A strategic tower defense game where players use plants to defend their home from waves of zombies. It combines humor with strategic gameplay.


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