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Place towers: Use the mouse to select and position towers along the path to defend against zombie waves.
Upgrade towers: Click on towers to upgrade them, increasing their attack power, range, and special abilities.
Manage resources: Earn resources by defeating zombies and use them to build and upgrade towers.
Plan defenses: Strategically place a mix of towers to create a balanced and effective defense against different types of zombies.
Survive waves: Defend against multiple waves of zombies, each more challenging and numerous than the last.


Tower Defense: Zombies is an intense and strategic tower defense game where players must defend their base from relentless waves of zombies. Developed by Tiertex Design Studios and published by Mindscape, this shareware game for MS-DOS was released in 1999. Players are tasked with strategically placing and upgrading towers to stop the undead from breaching their defenses and overrunning their territory.

In Tower Defense: Zombies, players face increasingly challenging waves of zombie hordes, each with unique abilities and strengths. The top-down perspective provides a comprehensive view of the battlefield, allowing players to carefully plan and adjust their defenses. A variety of towers with different attack types and upgrade paths are available, enabling players to craft a robust and adaptable defense strategy.

The game combines strategic resource management, tactical placement, and real-time decision-making to deliver an engaging and challenging experience. The haunting graphics and eerie sound effects add to the suspense and excitement, making Tower Defense: Zombies a must-play for strategy and tower defense enthusiasts.

Cheats/Hints/Walkthroughs for TOWER DEFENSE: ZOMBIES

Mix tower types: Use a combination of tower types to exploit zombie weaknesses and create a versatile defense. Focus on upgrades: Prioritize upgrading key towers to maximize their effectiveness in critical areas. Resource management: Balance spending between building new towers and upgrading existing ones to maintain a strong defense. Cover all paths: Ensure that your towers cover all possible zombie paths to prevent any from slipping through. Adapt to threats: Be prepared to adjust your strategy based on the types of zombies in each wave and their attack patterns. Tower Defense: Zombies offers a thrilling and strategic gaming experience, challenging players to build and optimize their defenses against relentless zombie hordes. The detailed graphics, engaging mechanics, and escalating difficulty make it an addictive and exciting game for fans of the tower defense genre on the MS-DOS platform.

TOWER DEFENSE: ZOMBIES - additional information

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Cover Art

Tower Defense: Zombies

Introduction to Tower Defense: Zombies

"Tower Defense: Zombies" is an exciting and strategic game that combines the classic tower defense mechanics with a thrilling zombie apocalypse theme. Players are tasked with defending their bases from relentless waves of undead creatures by strategically placing various defensive structures along the paths leading to their stronghold. With its engaging gameplay, diverse array of towers, and ever-increasing challenges, "Tower Defense: Zombies" provides an immersive experience for fans of both strategy and horror genres.

Gameplay Overview of Tower Defense: Zombies

In "Tower Defense: Zombies," players must prevent hordes of zombies from reaching their base by setting up a variety of towers and defenses along the designated paths. Each type of tower has unique abilities and attributes, such as long-range attacks, area-of-effect damage, or slowing down enemies. As players progress through the levels, they earn in-game currency, which can be used to build new towers or upgrade existing ones to enhance their defensive capabilities.

The game features different types of zombies, each with distinct characteristics and abilities, requiring players to adapt their strategies accordingly. Some zombies may be fast and weak, while others are slow but heavily armored. Balancing tower placement and upgrades is crucial to successfully defending against these diverse threats.

Key Features of Tower Defense: Zombies

  1. Variety of Towers: The game offers a wide range of defensive towers, each with unique strengths and upgrade paths. Players can choose from basic gun turrets, powerful artillery, and specialized towers that freeze or burn zombies.

  2. Challenging Levels: With multiple levels of increasing difficulty, "Tower Defense: Zombies" keeps players engaged by introducing new types of zombies and more complex paths. Each level requires careful planning and strategic thinking.

  3. Special Abilities and Power-Ups: Players can utilize special abilities and power-ups to gain an edge during tough situations. These can include airstrikes, mines, and temporary boosts for towers.

  4. Upgrade System: Towers can be upgraded to increase their damage, range, and special effects. Managing resources effectively to balance building new towers and upgrading existing ones is key to success.

  5. Stunning Graphics and Effects: The game features high-quality graphics and special effects that enhance the overall experience. The detailed environments and zombie animations create a visually appealing and immersive atmosphere.

Strategies for Success in Tower Defense: Zombies

  • Strategic Placement: Position your towers strategically to maximize their effectiveness. Place long-range towers where they can cover multiple paths and short-range, high-damage towers at chokepoints.

  • Upgrade Wisely: Focus on upgrading your most effective towers rather than spreading your resources too thin. Upgraded towers can handle stronger zombies and provide better overall defense.

  • Use Special Abilities: Save your special abilities for critical moments when you are overwhelmed by zombie hordes. These abilities can turn the tide of battle and prevent breaches.

  • Balance Defense Types: Use a mix of tower types to handle different kinds of zombies. Slow zombies with freezing towers, burn them with flamethrowers, and use rapid-fire turrets for fast-moving enemies.

  • Plan for Bosses: Some levels feature boss zombies that require more firepower to defeat. Prepare for these encounters by upgrading your strongest towers and conserving resources.

Cultural Impact of Tower Defense: Zombies

"Tower Defense: Zombies" has made a significant impact in the gaming community by blending the popular tower defense genre with the ever-popular zombie apocalypse theme. The game’s combination of strategic depth and thrilling action has attracted a broad audience, from casual gamers to hardcore strategy enthusiasts. Its popularity has inspired a host of similar games and has contributed to the ongoing evolution of tower defense games.

The game's active community often shares strategies, tips, and custom levels online, creating a vibrant and supportive environment for players. This sense of community enhances the overall enjoyment and replayability of the game.

Similar Games to Tower Defense: Zombies

For fans of "Tower Defense: Zombies," there are several other tower defense games worth exploring:

  1. Plants vs. Zombies: A highly popular game where players use various plants to defend their home from waves of zombies. It combines strategy with humor and engaging gameplay.


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