The Jetsons - The Computer Game

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How to play The Jetsons - The Computer Game

Each game uses different controls, most DOS games use the keyboard arrows. Some will use the mouse.

The Jetsons - The Computer Game Description

The Jetsons is an action game that contains eight levels alternating between side-scrolling dodge-and-manipulate and driving gameplay. The four members of the Jetson family have a themed level, and you play as George Jetson, a Spacely Space Sprockets employee. The game begins with your boss Mr. Spacely who wants you to work, but you desire something else. You wander around the corner of the company to search for money and other things. In this game, you play as each member of the Jetson family.

The Jetsons - The Computer Game - additional information

Game year
Also known as
The Jetsons - The Computer Game
Cover Art

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