ESPN Baseball Tonight

How to play ESPN Baseball Tonight
Each game uses different controls, most Amiga games use both mouse and keyboard.
ESPN Baseball Tonight Description
ESPN Baseball Tonight is a Super NES, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, and Sega [Mega-]CD baseball game where you have to outwit and outrun your Major League Baseball opponents in order to win games. The difficulty level of this game is roughly equivalent to Super Bases Loaded.
Out of all the lineups in this game, Deion Sanders is one of the few notable players at the time who didn't have a separate game named after him so he was definitely in the game. Ken Griffey, Jr. was excluded due to contractual differences (his baseball game was selling like hot cakes at that time).
There is even a home run mode that evaluates how good that the player's chosen character can hit home runs against a computer opponent to whom the player must also pitch to while waiting to go up to bat.

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