High Seas Havoc

How to play High Seas Havoc
Each game uses different controls, most Amiga games use both mouse and keyboard.
High Seas Havoc Description
High Seas Havoc is a video game that was made for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis by Data East.
High Seas Havoc includes an anthropomorphic protagonist; many anthropomorphic characters appeared in 1990s video games.
The story is about a pirate seal named Havoc (Lang in the Japanese version), his young sidekick Tide (Land in the Japanese version), a girl named Bridget, and an evil pirate named Bernardo. Bernardo is looking for Emeralda, a gem with powers that can cause whole armies to be toppled. A map shows where Emeralda is located, and Bernardo is looking for the map. Havoc and Tide discover Bridget unconscious at a beach. When she wakes up in a dwelling, she instructs Havoc to keep her and the map safe. Havoc hides the map in a cliff. After Bernardo's henchmen finds Bridget, he kidnaps Bridget and Tide; this causes Havoc, the playable character, to set off to rescue Bridget and Tide.

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